Sunday, April 25, 2010

Animation of Yesterday, Today

Watching over clips of Beavis and Butthead in class and watching more clips of it and clips of Ren and Stimpy made me think about what people my age think now think of the 'adult' cartoons we watched when we were growing up. The clip of Beavis and Butthead we watched in class was called "Couch Fishing" and I was really excited that we were getting to watch it. That was one of the cartoons that I watched as a young kid and I have always remembered it as being a funny show. However, I couldn't even muster a smirk when the clip was shown.

And after watching clips of Ren and Stimpy as well as more stuff from B & B, I can no longer say that i enjoy watching the cartoons that I grew up on. Those cartoons have no meaning, no lessons, and they have a very immature sense of humor and in no way should parents allow their kids to constantly watch something that has no social value. Go back and watch "Couch Fishing" and tell me what the purpose of that clip is. It actually implies at the end that a little kid wanted to be 'cool' and hang out with Beavis and Butthead, but instead they let him take the fall for something stupid that they did. It's fine if you enjoy that type of humor, but that's not my point. My point is also not that I won't watch any Beavis and Butthead episodes. But my point is that those shows are so stupid and they have no social value.

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